Cyber Security.

Help keep yourself from being a victim of the next threat.


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What is Cybersecurity?

Cybersecurity is the umbrella term to describe the security of a person's or company's digital space. There are many different ways to keep yourself and your company's data safe. 














How to get started?

We want to help with a lot of the headaches. Contact us and we can help walk you through different options as well as what you might want/need based on your company. Click contact us or keep looking to find our Cybersecurity options.

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Employee Training

Although it may not seem like it, the weakest link in cybersecurity is people. There are a lot of ways to get access to a network through people. Even if it does not seem so, Shoulder Surfing, Social Engineering, Phishing emails can all be real threats to a company.

One way to help out with this is our Security Awareness Training where we can educate your staff (minimum 25 people) on best practices and how to catch threats before they become a serious issue. 











Simple and Easy steps to become more secure.

  • Hosted Email Protection

  • Email Enhancements (Encryption & Archiving)

  • Security Awareness Training

  • Web Filtering

  • Mobile Management

Is all that not enough?

Don't worry, all that has been mentioned is just the basics that everyone gets with no added cost.

Below you can find a few more options that might suit what you may be looking for. You can also contact us and we will connect you so to someone who can help with all your concerns.

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More options you can include with Managed Computers.


Vulnerability Scans




Threat Management


Advanced Infrastructure RMM

Cloud Services

Virtual hosting can help decrease costs for your everyday business. Less money for maintence and electrictiy. With an added bonus of increased security.

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Managed Computers

Managed Computers can help decrease costs for your everyday business. It can also increase efficiency by decreasing downtime. With an added bonus of increased security.

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